Saturday, March 14, 2009

Yes, I'm still running...

After a few weeks off, I'm easing back into training mode. It's time to start getting ready for...The Brooklyn Half Marathon. I still have nightmares about last year's race, but the timing's right. It's good base-building before I start training for Marine Corps so I'm sucking it up and trying again. This year, I'm doing a little private training with Coach Danny of Jack Rabbit fame.

Yes, I said Marine Corps! As in the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington DC. Luis and I will be fundraising and running with Team Reeve this year, and I pretty much can't wait! The race isn't until October, so that's a lot of waiting, but the fundraising ball is already rolling! In lieu of wedding gifts, Luis and I have asked friends and family to consider making a donation to The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation! Be sure to indicate that your donation is "In Honor Dawn and Luis Manzo tying the knot" or something on those lines!

And just in case you watch The Hills and are worried about whether a Mexico marriage is legal or not, Luis and I made our union official at my parent's house in Yardley, Pa. None other than the Mayor of Yardley (and my childhood dentist!) performed the ceremony, which was simple, perfect, and most definitely legal!


JDawg said...

I think it was a fabulous post! Congrats on the running re-start, the legal vows, and let's keep positive thoughts for a healthy half this year ;)

Nella said...

Congrats on the marriage! I love the picture of your family and friends. Keep running! Everytime I see your post I want to go running!!