Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Different Kind of PR

Saturday's race did turn out to be a personal record for me: Worst Race EVER. By Far.

I found out that although they say say it's ok to run if you are sick from the neck up, they don't mean it's a good idea to try to race a half-marathon. My body did not have the energy to do what I wanted it to do. I should've tried the matzoh ball soup & Dr. Pepper remedy.

All is not lost, however. I stayed on my feet the entire time. I even mustered a smile and fist-pump for the finish-line photos.


Unknown said...

That race sucked all around this year. Definately on the worst races ever list. Cold, boring and I was slow.

Deb gave up her spot to bag watch for me, I didn't get a time (which I wouldn't have wanted anyway) and it just really really sucked. BUT... you did finish, which is what matters.

Dawn said...

What's with "AmeKuma"? I always forget who you are!! Anyway, sorry to hear your race sucked too. I saw you out there truckin' along. You seemed to be the very last person to cross the start. Oh well, in the words of Tony Soprano, "what can ya do?"

TNT Jim said...

DH- no. matter what your time you and the guy with the white teeth are my heros! On another topic- A-Boogie and I went to Rachels (sister restaurant to the shunned, La Taqueria) for chicken taco and a chicken salad. Guess what-no chicken on the salad!! It was Cinco de Mayo and they were busy, sooo...I didn't have it in me to go back so I deconstructed my taco and put it on the salad. I didn't tell A-boogie, but she could tell something was off.

Unknown said...

Hi sweets, sorry to hear about your race... I did not even get the chance to have a crappy race, although five people did not have to run with their bags on their back, so hoping that is good karma for NYC half (my personal worst)? I looked for you but must have missed you. Anyhow, you obviously just need a cupcake.