Sunday, April 26, 2009

Running Rocks

Remember Erin, AKA Lady Southpaw, who put together an amazing running song and video a couple months back? Of course you do, but just in case you forgot:

I'm very happy to report that Lady Southpaw has been hard at work on new songs, a new blog, and an updated website!

Using vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, computer beats, keyboard synthesizers, harmonica, accordion and a baglama, yes, a baglama, Erin has written 6 new songs specifically designed for running! How so? Well, they are based on research about music and the brain, flow and "the zone," and the mind-body connection. Pretty freakin' cool. You can find out more on her blog, Running Rocks.

I say Lady Southpaw rocks.


JDawg said...

Rock on!!

Lady Southpaw said...

Awwwe Dawn you are the best!!

I better stop my procrastinating and put up my new post!

Thanks for continuing to be a great mentor ;)