Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A decision has been made!

I am signing up for a local half-marathon training program. This might seem unnecessary considering I've run 4 halfs and 3 full marathons in the past 2 years. However, in those past 2+ years of training, I have not improved my times in either event at all. So what, who cares I've told myself over and over. It's not about the time, it's about the process, right? True, true...but perhaps a different process will yield a different (lower) time, and I can still be secure in my do-it-for-fun, do-it-for-myself, non-competitive middle-of-the-packness.

The program, run by Jack Rabbit, starts Feb. 7 and runs through Apr. 27 - the day of the Brooklyn Half Marathon. The program seems pretty standard - twice weekly workouts, with speed work on Thursday nights and long runs on the weekend. It's the new coaches and new runners that I expect to help me push my running and increase my fitness level. Updates will be posted, of course.

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