Part 1 is here. Now onto Part 2. Luis and I were a little frightened by how quickly we went from feeling fit to feeling like slobs after the marathon. So we took the plunge and purchased P90X. The most exciting part of the program so far has been the following:
TONY HORTON of P90X______ EQUALS______MICHAEL SCOTT of The Office
It's true! Tony Horton's energy, tone and mannerisms are hysterical. Way too cool for school. He's so over the top with his enthusiasm and intensity that he totally bypasses annoying and goes straight to hilarious! It's so bad, it's good - in that Michael Scott kind of way.
I think this 4 second clip sums it up pretty well:
As for the actual workouts - HOLY HARD. Especially if you're not good at push-ups (that would be me). I did the "Core Synergy" workout yesterday, and it was exhausting. But I think I must have done something wrong because I'm not sore today.
Stay tuned for Part 3.
You guys better have "before" pics!
This is so funny . . . my hubby and I just started P90X and were immediately taken by Tony's similarity to Michael. It's the best workout because I laugh through a lot of it! Glad to find other "kindred spirits." BRING IT!
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