Manzo, that is. Luis. Dr. Luis Manzo.
We don't usually throw around the "Dr." title, but when he does something smart, we like to remind ourselves, "He is a doctor, ya know."
Anyway, he just passed along a fascinating article about caffeine and muscle recovery from the National Sleep Foundation. Listen to this:
"Co-ingestion of large amounts of caffeine with carbohydrates after an exhausting workout rapidly replenishes glycogen, the muscle's primary fuel source."
So interesting!!
The only problem with this new information is how it would interfere with the all-important post-run nap. I wonder how sleep affects muscle recovery...Dr. Manzo?

i can *so* vouch for this! the dunkin' donuts free samples of iced coffee after the nyc sunday absolutely saved. my. life. caffeine. cream. sugar. 'nuff said.
oops -- i meant to say "nyc tri." no way to edit, huh?
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