Rearding the previous post, TNT Coach Lisa, who I should credit with intoducing me to both the SPIbelt and calf stretcher, had some comments and suggestions:
"it's the de-calf-inator! get it? DECAF? come on!... ;^)"
Yeah, I do know, but somehow I got in the habit of calling it the calf-erator. Decalfinator is a better pun, and it really makes more sense - use it to de-tighten your calves. So I'll work on it.
Also, Lisa sent me a link to Gracie's Gear. This is a line of ladies running (and other sports, I suppose) apparel that has built in pockets.
This is the sports bra:

Normally, I'm not a fan of storing things in the bra. I once worked with a woman who carried her cell phone in her bra, and it just looked like her chest was deformed. But Lisa swears by Gracie's Gear, and assures us that once we try them, we'll never look back. I have to say, I've never noticed Lisa's chest looking deformed, so perhaps these keep things tucked in a bit more subtly than my ex-coworker's method. I'm intrigued. THANK YOU, LISA!!!
1 comment:
YES -- i made the blog! clark's jealous....
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